
Montserrat Caballero announces opening of "Las Abejas" park in Tijuana during September

This recreational area's creation progress is 78%

The mayor of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, announced the reopening of Parque Recreativo y Deportivo “Cerro de Las Abejas” with the date scheduled for the first week of September.

In a work meeting with the private sector, who is participating in the execution and building of this administration's project, the head of the Secretariat of Territory, Urban, and Environmental Development (SDTUA), Juan Enrique Bautista Corona, also said that there was a total progress of 78% on this project.

For the mayor, it is a source of great pride to have managed to create this high-quality, first world park and invited people to discover this Recreational Park where 70% of its visitors are young people, so that they can take care of it and begin to adopt green areas.

"We continue to keep our word. I have to thank the chance I got to be president and to work with the business sector to achieve great things. I am very grateful with this project, and it is the gold seal of this municipality because we achieved it with unity," the mayor explained.

Caballero Ramírez said that there is consistency on what she says and does, because, with the creation of this space, everyone's contributions have achieved that this park becomes a reality in just a few months.

This space, which has an area of around 48 hectares, was land donated by distributor El Florido. There are at least 12 finished projects, among them a baseball field, the amphitheater, a photovoltaic system, and three basketball courts, among others.

Some projects are also currently in process of being made, waiting the aid of more leaders interested in supporting the cause, such as the San Diego Padres team. This is why, people's comprehension has been requested so that they take precautions when in the area where heavy machinery is located in order to prevent accidents.

The mayor said that this park is a reality thanks to the efforts and coordinated work of this government, businessmen, citizens, and those who answered the call. It has been demonstrated that there is great interest here and, in a very short amount of time, this area will be completely transformed.

Businessmen such as Xavier Ibarra Quintana, leader of the National Chamber of the Industry for the Development and Promotion of Housing (CANADEVI), recognized how proud he is to participate in this sustainable park, as well as the executives of different organizations of the private industry who joined this project since it was created or during its development.

Luis Lutteroth del Riego, social coordinator of this project, executives and business leaders and the mayor were able to get the most amount of financial resources to finalize this project and deliver it in early September.

RELATED VIDEO: Parque del Cerro de Las Abejas will open in September


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