
VIDEO: This is how the solar eclipse in Tijuana will look like

This eclipse will occur on Monday, April 8

The solar eclipse will take place on Monday, April 8. This is an astronomic phenomenon that we cannot miss as another one won't happen again until the year 2052 and, for all generations, saying that they were witness to something like this is very important.

This is how the 2024 solar eclipse in Tijuana will look like

Without a doubt, this eclipse must be seen. However, to see it, one must have the appropriate protection approved by authorities, as watching it directly can seriously affect your eyes.

For those who won't be able to see it, we'll you show an animation that shows how this phenomenon will look like where one can see the way in which the eclipsed sun will look like from Tijuana.

In this border city, the eclipse will have a visibility of 65%, which means it won't completely darken, but a decrease in solar light will be perceived. it will begin at 10 AM on Monday and will reach its maximum point at 11:11 AM. During this period, you will be able to watch it with appropriate protection.

In the following image, you can see a detailed and complete timelapse of the eclipse seen from Tijuana:

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