
Total outrage and anger! Video of teacher throwing students’ notebooks goes viral

This video caused many internet users to get upset

Social media can be a place where the least expected things become popular; random moments such as a cat jumping can become a trend. However, important issues also go viral and such is the case with the following situation.

Total outrage and anger! Video of teacher throwing students’ notebooks goes viral

On TikTok, a short video was uploaded where one can see a female teacher seated on her desk. What caught people's attention was not only the bad attitude she had when calling students, but every time she said one of her students' names, she would throw the student's notebook to the floor.

In the video, one can see how the student who was named stands up and picks the notebook from the floor, and then this scenario repeats again and again.

In the video's comments, internet users were quite upset, both for the disregard for students' items that parents buy with a lot of effort and for the teacher's attitude with her students, who were completely quiet.

So far, it is unknown if this video has reached the school's academic authorities, but thousands of people expect that this teacher will be punished for this act and, if necessary, that she is fired from her position.

RELATED VIDEO: Teachers throws students' notebooks


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