Akira Toriyama given final goodbye with massive genkidama at Zócalo in Mexico City

Thousands of fans gathered at the Zócalo in Mexico City to pay one final tribute to the creator of the most popular anime in the world

Following the tragic news regarding the death of Akira Toriyama, creator of the world's most popular manga and anime, Dragon Ball, thousands of Mexican fans did not miss the chance to say goodbye for the last time with one final tribute.

Following news of the author’s death, thousands of fans from all over the world expressed their sadness on social media, recalling memorable moments from their childhoods, thanks to the characters and episodes of Dragon Ball.

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Mexico City was not the exception and they joined the tributes that have been paid to Akira Toriyama. Fans gathered at the Zócalo in Mexico City to say goodbye with a massive genkidama.

Massive Genkidama at Zócalo in Mexico City

Social media users recorded their massive goodbye at the Zócalo in Mexico City.

On these videos, one can see a group of people around an individual who is directing the genkidama. Moments later, he tells people around him to raise their hands to send all of their energy to Akira Toriyama in the heavens.

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