
Are you going to see the snow in Julian, California? Take these important tips into account before going

Find out how to make the best of this trip without any accidents or incidents

California is known for its beautiful beaches and visits by tourists during summer, but during winter, the opposite happens as mountains are covered in white and in low temperatures with tourism still flourishing. However, not everyone is prepared for these conditions.

Are you going to see the snow in Julian, California? Take these important tips into account before going

A few days ago, a snowfall came to the community of Julian, California, and visitors are already on their way to enjoy it. If you are thinking of going to this magical place, here are some tips so that your trip goes as best as possible and you can prevent any accidents or incidents.

Bring chains for your tires

Chains in your car are very important. This is so that your car can travel in snow covered roads without any issues or without it getting stuck.

There are no playgrounds

The Julian community has stated that there are no snow playgrounds as in other tourist destinations, which is why one has to make sure that they are not in private property or prohibited areas.

Check the state of roads

Before starting your trip, it is very important to check the state of access roads to Julian. Constant updates are given due to the arrival of snow to the region and several factors can change how accessible these roads are.

To learn more, check out the following websites:

Caltrans QuickMap

CHP Traffic Incident Information Page

Department of Public Works Facebook Page

RELATED VIDEO: Kitten tries catching snowflakes


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