
Winter paradise! This is how Big Bear California looks after snowfall

This phenomenon has delighted visitors

Winter is one of people's favorite seasons for several reasons such as winter clothes, holiday celebrations, and weather conditions. The latter, when they reached low temperatures, can bring snowfall in some areas and such is the case with a famous place in California.

This is how Big Bear California looks after snowfall

In pictures shared on a Facebook group for Big Bear experiences and recommendations, the current state of this mountainous area has been revealed as it is a place that thousands of tourists visit during winter to enjoy the season.

Visitors and residents shared pictures of the landscape, where a white layer has covered most objects and trees, creating a view that seems right out of a fantasy film in a winter paradise.

Facebook Big Bear group
Facebook Big Bear group

These conditions are the ones that help to make more tourists arrive here as well as its diverse attractions such as snow skiing, snowboarding, and enjoying the view and shopping.

Though today visitors will be able to enjoy a sunny day, perfect for a family trip, one day prior there had been snowfall, which had covered the mountain and the village with even more snow, making it clear that winter is still here during February.

RELATED VIDEO: Kitten tries catching snowflakes


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