
Partial closures in area due to work at Elevated Viaduct in Tijuana are announced

This project will begin on Tuesday, January 16 at 8 PM

Due to the relocation of a potable water line at the Tijuana-Ensenada highway (Prolongación Calle 2da) from the Rafael Sánchez Tapia ramp to Puente El Mirador, the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA) announced the partial closure of this area, which is why drivers will need to pay attention to upcoming changes.

The Municipal Administration of Tijuana led by Mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, which is part of the construction work carried out for the Elevated Viaduct, gave instructions so that the Municipal Government collaborates with the necessary actions so as to make this grand project easier.

The head of the Municipal Agency of Projects and Urban Infrastructure (DOIUM), Marco Antonio Campoy Arce, revealed that the public work will begin at 8 PM on Tuesday, January 16. SEDENA will carry out this work for a duration of 2 months approximately from 7 AM to 7 PM.

Campoy Arce asked people for patience and moderate speed when driving on this road, as the most important thing is that road order remains to safeguard people.

The official underscored, in a coordination meeting with the technical council of mobility and staff of SEDENA, that the actions to ensure that proper signs are placed by this federal agency were explained. That way a counterflow can be activated to prioritizes the exit flow from Playas de Tijuana in the morning and the entry flow in the afternoon.

This project is one of the most important ones that the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, authorized for Tijuana in order to benefit all Tijuana natives regarding infrastructure modernization.

Mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez and her cabinet actively participated to improve mobility, as this project will have a capacity of more than 73,650 vehicles in both directions, making it one of the city's main roads.

RELATED VIDEO: Elevated Airport-Playas de Tijuana Viaduct


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