
Wendy and Peter Pan actors at Disneyland California get married in real life

The magic of Disneyland and its characters became a reality

Disneyland is not just a place where thousands of tourists have fun with their friends and family, it is also a place where hundreds of employees create a beautiful community and friendships.

These friendships, as in any other workplace, can become something more. This week it was revealed on a Facebook page related to Disneyland that two actors playing emblematic characters got married in real life.

This story is about the actors who played Wendy and Peter Park at Disneyland California. This couple, who play these characters, has gotten married in real life. The aforementioned page shared these pretty pictures.

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This post went viral quickly and several comments spoke about how they made a cute couple and those who know them said that they are wonderful people.

Among all those congratulations, one of the most popular comments is about how magical this story is. "They are so sweetest most magical couple ever!!!!!! So blessed to know them!", one of the users said.

Something to note is that a man commented that he and his wife also played these characters in the past in another Disney park and they also ended up getting married. There aren't really any more details about this story, but they are not needed, as their love is quite evident.

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