Baja California

Cold front #13 will bring frost to Baja California

Prepare yourself: mornings and evenings will be very cold

The National Commission of Water (CONAGUA) shared on social media that cold front #13 has arrived in Mexico and it will bring some weather changes that will cause temperatures to become colder. Snowfall and sleet will also arrive in several zones in Mexico.

However, the snow and sleet should not worry Baja California, as there is no rain forecasted for next week. In Tijuana, a drop in local temperature is expected, however, there will be no rain, but only low cloudy days.

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In addition, cold front #13 will create gusts of wind of 70 to 90 km/hour and possible dust whirlwinds in some northern states such as Baja California, Baja California Sur, and Sonora.

It is important to keep oneself informed through associations such as the Tijuana Civil Protection Agency, as they will be the ones in charge of informing whether there is any change in temperature.

Remember that it is important to always be aware during this season as weather tends to change quickly.

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