
Marina del Pilar finalizes financing of 500 million pesos in favor of Baja Californian women

This budget will allow them to combat inequality, discrimination, and will allow them to start carrying out concrete actions to address violence against women

The Baja Californian government realized the bid to obtain gender financing for 500 million pesos. This amount will be used to combat inequality, discrimination, and will allow them to start carrying out concrete actions to address violence against girls, teenagers, and women in the state, according to Governor Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda.

The state governor said that the obtaining this financing with a gender perspective means an important step in order to boost projects that promote economic autonomy in women, security, justice for women who have been victims of gendered violence, and urban mobility with a gendered perspective.

These are projects related to public transport exclusive for women and their children and community centers with a gender perspective, infrastructure, public security, and equipment for Red Naranja, focused on developing safer environments for women in all communities.

Regarding this, the Secretary of Finance of Baja California, Marco Antonio Moreno Mexía, explained that on October 12, the solicitation was made so that one could participate in the public bid, meant for financial institutions in the country. After this, they received financing offers from four institutions, including BANOBRAS.

"The offers we received amounted to 2 billion pesos, exceeding four times the amount requested by the state. Among the offers received, we obtained very competitive overcharge levels as a reflection of the trust these financial institutions have in the current administration and the interest these agents have in financing projects with a gender perspective," Moreno Mexía stated.

Subsequently, last November 9, a bid result was issued with the institution Banorte winning with an amount of 500 million pesos. The secretary said that it is estimated that the formalization of this credit will take place in November and that resources will be available before December 31, 2023.

Moreno Mexía explained that this financing with a gender perspective will last for 15 years and it will be a payment structure through an irrevocable trust for the administration and source of payment, which provides soundness and certainty to this structure.

He added that the Gender Bond is part of the first "Bond/Sustainable Financing Framework of the State of Baja California", which is based on a general strategy regarding climate change and social policies in the state and the country. It is aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, also known as global goals, which were approved by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet, and guarantee that in 2030 all people in the world enjoy peace and prosperity. These actions are aligned with the 2019-2024 National Development Plan and the 2022-2027 Development State Plan of Baja California.

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