
Carlos Alazraki creates GoFundMe to save his show "Atypical Te Ve"

The publicist has asked for users' support so that this channel, which focuses on political issues, can continue

In the last few days, publicist Carlos Alazraki, member and founder of YouTube channel "Atypical Te Ve" has asked his followers for donations so that they can continue the show.

Atypical Te Ve is a political channel that is broadcasted on YouTube. It came to be two years ago as a response from constant attacks directly sent by the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, against everyone who does not agree with his political movement.

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This show has been so far a critical platform where several specialists, politicians, psychologists, journalists, and intellectuals have openly spoken about their point of view regarding the political and economic situation in Mexico.

Among the most outstanding people that have appeared in Atypical there are Dr. José Newman, writer Rafael Cardona, politician Jaime Veloz, among others.

José Newman in Atypical
José Newman in Atypical
Rafael Cardona in Atypical
Rafael Cardona in Atypical

Carlos Alazraki has asked his followers for help through voluntary donations so that the show can continue. Viewers can donate any amount they wish.

Days prior, President López Obrador and his wife, ironically and as an example that in the Fourth Transformation there is such a thing as freedom of the press, donated $250 pesos.

If you wish to donate to save Atypical Te Ve, you can click here: Carlos Alazraki's GoFundMe page.

RELATED VIDEO: Carlos Alazraki sends message to Beatríz Gutiérrez and AMLO after they make a donation to Atypical Te Ve


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