San Diego

Completely terrifying! Snake comes out of bathtub drain in San Ysidro

A resident of the area filmed this and called Animal Control

San Diego has mountainous areas, which are the perfect home for wildlife; however, constant urbanization and habitat invasion has become more common which has forced species such as tarantulas and snakes into the streets. For example, a resident was surprised when he found something he did not expect in his home.

Snakes comes out of bathtub in San Ysidro

Inside a home in Beyer Blvd., San Ysidro, a man was shocked when he found a snake coming out of his bathtub's drain. Though the size of this reptile wasn't big, seeing an animal coming out of this area is what one would least expect.

Immediately, this person filmed a short video recording what was happening. This video was shared on a Facebook group of the neighborhood, as they wanted neighbors to be careful. He added that he called Animal Control so that they could take care of the animal.

What type of snake was it?

Though the fact that it was a snake could scare many, it was discovered that due to its black color with yellow-cream stripes the snake was a California kingsnake, a non-venomous species that inhabits the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Baja California, and Sonora.

This type of snake feeds from birds, small rodents, frogs, and lizards, and are immune to rattlesnake venom, which allows them to eat them.

Warning issued for rattlesnakes in San Ysidro

The same internet user who shared the video warned that though this was a baby animal in his house, on other occasions, he had found rattlesnakes outside his home.

RELATED VIDEO: Snake appears in bathtub of home in San Ysidro


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