
Municipal Administration announces closure of streets in Downtown Tijuana starting this Friday

Authorities are asking people to take alternate routes to avoid setbacks

The 24th Municipal Administration of Tijuana led by Mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez stated that on Friday, September 15 starting at 12 AM, streets in Downtown Tijuana will be closed.

According to road protocols announced during the week to celebrate the Cry of Independence at Arco Monumental in Avenida Revolución, in the early morning of Friday, staff from the Municipal Government will close access from Calle Artículo 123 (1st Street) to the corner with Calle Hermenegildo Galeana (7th Street), with the vehicular access to Avenida Revolución through Constitución and Francisco I. Madero blocked.

As such, the current administration that will celebrate the national holidays in this iconic avenue encourages people to take preventive measures during the weekend to avoid setbacks due to the partial closure of these streets and avenues.

According to this event's plans, these streets will be used to set up Mexican food stands that will be part of the celebrations due to the national holidays. In Calle Ricardo Flores Magón (6th Street), mechanical games will be installed.

As such, people who travel frequently through these streets are encouraged to avoid any setbacks. Authorities have suggested as alternate routes Calle Hermenegildo Galeana (7th Street) for those who are going upwards and Calle Miguel Hidalgo (8th Street) for those who are going downwards.

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