
Marina del Pilar presents progress regarding "RESPIRA" program in Baja California

With an investment of more than 1 billion pesos, the government is looking to strengthen the construction of projects in areas in the state with the highest population density

Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, governor of Baja California, announced there will be an investment of more than 1 billion pesos for the RESPIRA program, which is showing progress to benefit the quality of life in the state's inhabitants through strategic projects on road infrastructure.

While supervising the road node in El Sauzal in northern Ensenada, the governor stated that these infrastructure investments are sustained in the commitment the state administration has with the development of the state's main cities.

"These projects are looking to transform the way in which people in our cities move to make the process much faster. In essence, it is all about spending less time in traffic and more time in our quality of life," she said.

For his part, the Secretary of Infrastructure, Urban Development, and Territory Redesign, Arturo Espinoza Jaramillo, said that the node being built will improve the traffic at the access to the port of El Sauzal and the city of Ensenada.

Regarding Ensenada, the state official said that this project will contribute to reduce polluting emissions and improve air quality by restoring a series of community projects and key areas for mobility in this municipality.

Meanwhile, in Tijuana, the Casa Blanca - Corredor 2000 bridge, which will substantially improve mobility in the eastern zone of the municipality to benefit more than 300,000 inhabitants, was recently finished. It will reduce traveling times from 25 to 5 minutes.

Another project in development is the Puente Alamar - Héctor Terán Terán node which will reduce traffic in both roads, decreasing traveling times from 45 to 5 minutes and will directly improve the quality of life of 400,000 people.

Espinoza Jaramillo said that the Morelos node is an initiative that will transform mobility services' conditions in southern Tijuana, as it will speed up mobility for up to half a million people in the urban zone between the municipalities of Tijuana and Playas de Rosarito.

The official spoke about the project in Boulevard García in the southern area of Tijuana, the restoration of the asphaltic layer in roads, and the conservation of Corredor 2000.

In Mexicali, there is progress regarding the Islas Agrarias road in 9th Street to the Abasolo Freeway, the restoration of Gómez Morín Boulevard, the expansion of Cetys Boulevard to 9th Street to Abasolo Freeway, the Río Nuevo and Eje Central bridge, the node at Boulevard Lázaro Cárdenas and Boulevard Venustiano Carranza, among others.

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