
Mayor Montserrat Caballero responds to racist attacks from representative Marco Antonio Blásquez

The politician spoke about the first female mayor of Tijuana in a racist manner by calling her “the brown colored one”

The mayor of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballero responded to attacks made by congressman Marco Antonio Blásquez Salinas who called the first female mayor of Tijuana “the brown colored one”.

During his program, politician Blásquez Salinas, expressed himself in a derogatory and racist manner against the first female mayor of Tijuana, by calling her “the brown colored one”. For her part, the mayor stated on social media that these verbal attacks won’t bring her down and that she feels proud about the color of her skin.

She also mentioned that it is not the first time that she has been in this kind of situations by people who call themselves “men” or “pseudo-politicians” who actually don’t have any real arguments to have proper dialogues.

It is not the first time that politician Marco Antonio Blásquez has been accused of aggression against women. In March 2022, political party Movimiento Ciudadano filed two reports against this congressman for political gendered violence against Governor Marina del Pilar and representative Araceli Geraldo.

On this occasion, this congressman has decided to use racist and classist attacks against the mayor of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballero.

RELATED VIDEO: Montserrat Caballero, mayor of Tijuana, launches “No cruces el muro” campaign [/b]


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