
Uber driver cries after leaving an 80-year-old grandma in a retirement home on her birthday

The Uber driver posted about this grandma’s sad story

Social media provide us with stories full of joy, cleverness, and humor, but sometimes we find some things that are quite sad, which can warm even the coldest hearts. Such is the case with a story shared by an Uber driver who revealed a very heart wrenching experience.

The man used his TikTok account to share this story which began when he accepted a trip and found a woman who was carrying birthday presents. When she approached him, the driver asked her what was going on.

The answer broke his heart: the woman confessed that it was her birthday, and she did not want to go back to the retirement home where she lived, but her family had sent her back because she had an accident and peed herself. “I wash my clothes… I didn’t do anything wrong,” the grandma told the driver sadly.

According to the driver, the old woman’s son-in-law was the one who called the Uber, and he also frequently raises his voice against her and insults her, while her daughter does nothing to defend her. The grandma shared that her son-in-law had made breakfast and did not offer any, leaving her hungry.

It should be noted that the driver shared part of the food he had in his car with the old lady. “I felt something broke inside of me, my heart broke,” the Uber driver said on his TikTok video. He consoled himself by thinking that she’s probably being treated better at the retirement home than in her own home.

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