It is known that the ports of entry in Tijuana are the busiest in the world, with a constant flow of private and transportation vehicles, trucks, and people. These ports of entry face a variety of situations, as sometimes you can cross easily and directly, and, a few hours later, the lines will have increased considerably.
According to testimonials by internet users, since the early morning of Monday, May 15 there have been long lines, especially in vehicular lanes at the San Ysidro and Otay ports of entry. They claim that crossing into the United States today requires a lot of patience.

Several users decided to change lanes from Ready Lane to the general lane or go to another port of entry. Other users decided to use a chronometer andrecorded 6 hours of waiting time in order to cross. There were, on the other hand, several cars that decided to go back home and avoid all this waiting.
So far, the San Ysidro port of entry has 30 open gates: 200 vehicles in the general lane, 500 in Ready Lane, 75 in Sentri, and 350 at the pedestrian lane. At the Otay Mesa port of entry, there are 10 open gates: 200 vehicles in the general lane, 450 in Ready Lane, 100 in Sentri, and 400 people at the pedestrian lane.
RELATED VIDEO: Men beat each other with sticks at San Ysidro port of entry