
Local San Diego College Student invents WesCup a revolutionary 3-Drink cup

3 Drinks/1 Cup is already sold in several 7-Eleven stores

Wesley Renda is a 20-year-old San Diego native who had a dream as a child of creating a revolutionary and fun product that could hold three drinks in one single cup.

The invention WesCup, popularly known as Three Drinks/One Cup, is now one of people’s favorites at 7-Eleven and has become famous in the southwestern US, especially in places such as California, Las Vegas, and Texas, soon.

In an exclusive interview with San Diego Red, Wes told us about how this idea began:

I was 11 years old and I was with my sisters driving to Disneyland in the car and I told my mom that I was very thirsty. “Can we go to 7-Eleven and get something to drink?” When I got in, I got the biggest cup and filled it with Coke. When I drank it, I said: “It’s great, but I want more, a little bit of Fanta or 7-Up. Now I can even share it with my two sisters. When we arrived home, I spoke to my family about the idea and we started working on this design.

After several years of development, and being shown in several entrepreneur fairs, Wes saw his dream become a reality with a profitable project with constant orders and even closed deals with casinos, cruises, hotels, and theme parks.

The first great order was issued by Belmont Amusement Park, one of Wes’ favorite places, who saw the product and were amazed by it, and it is even used for margaritas and ICEE drinks.

This cup is souvenir-quality, reusable, safe to wash, does not pollute, and each of its divisions has a capacity of 236 milliliters; as there are three divisions, in total it can hold 710 milliliters. Its cost is $5.99 dollars and, once you have the cup, each refill costs $1.56 dollars in stores.

Starting manufacturing of this product took Wes to remote places:

Mainly, my uncle helped me with this. We went to China to manufacture these products because it is easier and cheaper.

2023 was key to the success of Three Drinks/One Cup as many of their plans had been stopped due to the pandemic. The perfect showcase was another business fair where more companies and stores expressed their interest in WesCup, ordering it immediately.

Making a satisfactory deal with 7-Eleven, the cup is now sold in 50 branches of this store. The idea is to get this product to more stores and more demographics every day.

WesCup has a hermetic lid divided into three that allows drinks to not mix or spill; each division has a hole for its own straw.

This is also fun for young children who play videogames online. They can drink water, juice, and soda.

Summer and hikes will surely bring more opportunities for Wesley Renda, as he expects WesCup to be distributed in thousands of 7-Eleven stores in 2024 thanks to a sponsorship from important brands like Coca-Cola.

The product currently attracts kids and adults alike, who frequently go to these stores to refill their favorite drinks.

For more information:
Website: WesCup.com
Email: Wes@wescup.com
Office number: 858-328-2462

Watch this complete interview down below:


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