Bullfighting season will begin on Sunday, May 7, using the Nuevo Toreo de Tijuana “Carlos Bowser González” venue, on its 3rd anniversary under the management of Casa Toreros.
This mixed bullfighting show includes the special appearance of bullfighter Antonio García “El Chihuahua” who, throughout his career, has seen the two sides of the coin, as he has been gored by a bull and has triumphed in several fights.
The show also includes a young Tijuana native talent that will perform for the first time, novillero Emilio Beltrán, and matadors Alejandro Lima “El Mojito” from Tlaxcala and Spaniard José Cabrera.

At a press conference, Mr. Manuel Bowser, owner of Nuevo Toreo de Tijuana, businessman Alfonso Bustamante and the director of the bullfighting group of the city, Renato Gijón García stated that each bull will be at the arena next May 7, will weigh between 600 and 500 kilos, and that they come from livestock farm Don Fernando de la Mora, whose fame ranks it as the best in the country.

Ticket prices range from $350 for the general entry, $800 pesos for preferred seats [5th and 18th rows], and $1,200 pesos barriers [1st to 4th row]. You can buy your tickets at Real Inn, El Foro, Viajes Kinessia, Boletomex , and Nuevo Toreo de Tijuana facilities. Admission is open to the entire family and it will begin at 4 PM.

It is hard to determine when bullfighting began, but two places in the Mediterranean stand out among the rest: Erytheia in the Gadeiras archipelago, beyond the Hercules columns, and the island of Crete. Historians marked its origin in the early Bronze Age, but it is hard to know for sure as it has been lost to time; it could even be at the beginning of mankind, when man and beast needed to fight in order to survive.
In different times, the bull has been worshipped as a representation of strength and life; man, in their desire to acquire its characteristics, transformed it into a symbol which they worshipped in order to get its skills during battles. These wishes and fights were adopted in ancient times, to the point that it became a tradition with the passage of time and it became a part of Western culture.
Bullfighting has inspired series of art works, mythologies, popular songs, and has been a topic of public debate, i.e., it has become part of popular culture.

Next May 7, this culture will continue its course in the city Tijuana at Nuevo Toreo located in the old Villa Charra, on Vía Rápida Alamar Sur, at the Bulevar Manuel J, Clouthier exit. 30 years ago, over the foundations of what wished to be a proper charrería for Tijuana natives to enjoy, Mr. Manuel Bowser’s dream began to create this bullfighting venue, which finally came true in 2020.
VIDEO: Nuevo Toreo de Tijuana