Medical Tourism

Informative link will provide certainty to American tourists during their stay in Tijuana

These measures have been made mainly to provide a safe and peaceful stay for people coming to Tijuana

The municipal administration of Tijuana has created an informative link that is looking to provide information to American tourists, mainly for those from southern California.

This in order to give them useful information during their stay in the city. It should be noted that this link has been promoted by the Medical Health Cluster (MHC) for US residents.

Regarding this issue, Abraham Sánchez Frehem, president of MHC has mentioned that during February, the health school and association cluster held a meeting with the Secretariat of Security José Fernando Sánchez González, with whom they have close contact regarding issues with the medical community. At this meeting, they agreed to create an application that will benefit mainly patients on the other side of the border.

These measures have been made particularly to provide a safe and peaceful stay for those visiting Tijuana, especially when these visits are health related.

Besides this informative link, there are also the mobile applications “Botón Morado” and “Botón de Emergencia” that will provide security promptly in case of an emergency.

These prevention and security measures are part of the great communication that exists between both sides of the border that are looking to safeguard their citizens’ lives.

RELATED VIDEO: President of Medical Health Cluster speaks about the SSPM informative link


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