
This is the famous origin of the Tijuana Arch in Avenida Revolución

The newest episode of Baja Window to the South takes us on a brief tour through the Tijuana Arch

In the latest episode of Baja Window to the South, our hosts toured some of the most iconic places in Tijuana. The highlight was the Arch, located in the famous Avenida Revolución; that is not all, however, as on this episode we discovered some unique and exclusive culinary experiences, as well as places where you can have fun and adventure.

First, Denitza García took us through a historic tour to learn the history of the Tijuana Arch. It is part of the region’s touristic scene and it was made in the year 2000 to commemorate the new millennium. The goal of its creation was to revive Avenida Revolución and attract new tourism to the city.

The Arch is close to hotels, restaurants, bars, and stores where everyone can have a good time. This place is very easy to access. If you’re coming from San Diego, it is best to cross through the San Ysidro port of entry, and it can be done by car or on foot.

In addition, they also went to visit plastic artist Enrique Chiu, who gave them total access to his private studio. In this area full of paintings, Chiu shared that this year has been very satisfactory for his career. It should be noted that he has traveled to several parts of the world such as Turkey and El Cairo, Egypt, where he showed off cross-border culture.

Artwork by Enrique Chiu
Artwork by Enrique Chiu

They also shared that Ensenada has one of the biggest waves in the world. These waves are known as “killers” and attract surfers from all over the world who are looking to conquer these giant waves. These waves can be found at Isla Todos Santos. Don’t forget to recommend this island to someone who is looking to conquer the waves

Lastly, restaurant Excelsior was more than ready to receive them with a delicious meal at Pueblo Amigo Plaza in Tijuana. This restaurant is located very close to the border and its chef Everardo Félix welcomed the team; he told them his story and how his restaurant became one of the best gastronomic places in the city.

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Click here to watch this complete episode of Baja Window to the South! .


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