San Diego

San Diego will open four shelters for homeless people to protect them from rain

This will be activated by the San Diego Housing Commission

Photo by: ABC 10 & Unsplash

Rain in the border region has been occurring sporadically in the last few weeks. Though some of the rains have been light, others have caused floods in several areas and streets affecting both cars and homes. Homeless people, who have to find a way to protect themselves from rain and floods, are also being affected.

This is why, the San Diego Housing Commission will activate four total shelters starting Saturday afternoon, in order to help homeless people who need to or wish to protect themselves from rain, which has been forecasted for the whole weekend and the first few days of next week.

Shelters have different times and capacities. Here is the list of the four shelters which will open:

  • Joan Kroc Center: Located at 6753 University Ave; it has a capacity of up to 45 adults and an additional 10 beds for families with minor children and/or single women.
  • Paul Mirabile Center: Located at 1501 Imperial Avenue, they can accept up to 40 adults; check-in begins at 4 PM. Check-out will be at 5 AM on Sunday, January 15.
  • Living Water Church of the Nazarene: Located at 1550 Market Street; they can receive up to 28 adults; check-in will be at 8 PM to 10 PM, Saturday or until full. Check-out will be at 6:30 AM on Sunday, January 15.
  • San Diego Rescue Mission: Located at 120 Elm Street; they can take up to 10 single women who will need to check-in at 5:30 PM on Saturday. Check-out will be at 7 AM, Sunday, January 15.

It should be noted that this program is a partnership of the San Diego Housing Commission, city of San Diego and the shelters.

With information from ABC 10.

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