San Diego

High waves in San Diego could cause light coastal floods

This warning will remain in effect until Sunday, January 15

Photo by: Unsplash

National Weather Service has issued two warnings: one due to light coastal floods and another due to the presence of high breaking waves of 6 to 8 feet, which could crash into the coast until Sunday, January 15. In addition, waves of 10 to 12 feet are expected to arrive on Friday and Saturday, January 14.

Flood warnings apply for all of San Diego County’s coastal areas and it is valid until 10 PM of Saturday, January 14. Impacts could create dangerous conditions both for swimmers and surfers. It is expected that these floods reach both the lower beach as well as parking lots and seafronts.

Among the recommendations for both warnings: if it is necessary to travel, one should do it now because some roads may be closed. They also urge people not to drive around the barricades or through waters of unknown depth. In addition, swimmers with no experience should stay out of the water due to the tide’s dangerous conditions.

Remember that rain is expected in the region for this weekend, which could arrive at noon on Saturday, January 14. People should drive carefully to prevent accidents.

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