
Burger restaurant Tijuana Slow Burger will close its doors

After 9 years, this Tijuana native establishment will close its doors

Burger restaurant Slow Burger, located at Plaza Minarete in Sánchez Taboada Boulevard, announced on their social media pages that they will close its doors soon, after 9 years of serving some of the best burgers in Tijuana.

“We are sorry to say that on Sunday, December 18 of this year, it will be our last day of service. It has been 9 years of bringing you the best high-quality hamburgers with a lot of love,” they said in a statement on their official Facebook page.

In addition, they thanked their clients for accompanying them on “this long road”, which is why they invited their clients to stop by their facilities during their last few days. However, they did not rule out the possibility of coming back one day, as they said “this is not a farewell, but a see you later.”

We thank you with all our heart for these last 9 years where we have grown together. We invite you to come to our beloved Slow in these last few days and subsequently remind you that some of our hamburgers can be found at El Local. We love you and we’ll miss you. See you soon.

No reason for why this business is closing has been given, but this has impacted a lot of people who wrote in the post’s comments that these were their favorite burgers.

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