Baja California

Governor Marina del Pilar listens to ideas and needs from CONALEP students

The governor spoke with hundreds of students and she encouraged them to achieve their goals

Through direct dialogue with students at the National School of Technical Professional Education (CONALEP), at the Mexicali II grounds, Governor Marina del Pilar shared her experience after one year of leading the state of Baja California and spoke about the importance of following and achieving your goals in order to benefit society.

Being warmly welcomed by the students of this high school, Marina del Pilar presented the main achievements of her first year as governor, especially when it comes to education aid and the development of the youth of Baja California.

Regarding public transportation for all students, Marina del Pilar pointed out that actions will be carried out by the Institute of Sustainable Mobility (IMOS) in order to review the routes that move students to the Colonia Guajardo school, so that everyone has the necessary mobile units to go to school.

Dreams are built, they don’t appear overnight, and so do abilities. Things need to be learned, never be afraid”, the governor said in front of the students who came to listen to her speech.

Marina del Pilar told the students that one of her administration’s main priorities is to create proper frameworks for social welfare, mobility, and public projects, in order to improve the quality of life of all people, with programs such as “Pancita Llena Corazón Contento” which provides thousands of hot breakfasts to children every day.

We want to make Baja California the best place to live with more job opportunities, with welfare, with support for people with disabilities and elderly people, for children, for young people. You, the young people, I want you to know the public life of your state, that you know that you can always count on me”, Marina del Pilar told the teenagers present.

RELATED VIDEO: Governor Marina del Pilar listens to CONALEP students’ proposals


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