
Learn more about the Margarita, the famous drink that… was created in Ensenada?

We reveal the mystery about the Margarita, the world-renowned alcohol drink, while also learning more about La Lobera, mixed martial arts, and much more

On the latest episode of Baja Window to the South, our hosts Olga Sánchez de la Vega and Denitza García decided to reveal some of the secrets of Baja California, tasted some of the state’s delicious gastronomy, and discovered a lot of things about the world of sports.

First, Denitza revealed one of the most popular mysteries regarding the state’s gastronomy. This is about the true origin of the margarita, one of the most famous alcoholic beverages in the world. Berverly Hills, Ensenada, Tijuana, San Quintin, Ensenada, and Chihuahua are all in dispute about which place was the margarita’s authentic origin.

If you want to visit a new place in Baja California and you don’t know where to begin, you can visit La Lobera, a hidden crater paradise that you will be able to discover in this show’s new capsule.

Like every week, we have some content for sports lovers. On this occasion, we interview Raúl Arvizu, UFC and MMA trainer and coach, who tells us about his career, his dreams, his apprentices, and how one can get started in mixed martial arts.

Regarding musical matters, our host Olga Sánchez de la Vega interviewed Nasmar Guzmán, drummer and member of “Entre Desiertos”, a rock-jazz-electronic band who tells us about his music, his band’s first LP, and what makes Baja California’s music scene so special.

We conclude this weekend’s trip with Chef Martín San Román, who meets us at L’atelier de Martin where he surprises us again with a delicious dish. This one begins with a baguette!

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Click here to watch this complete episode of Baja Window to the South: aquí.


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