
Tijuana native band Grupo Firme breaks record concert attendance at El Zócalo

Grupo Firme shone in Mexico City

The Tijuana native band Grupo Firme has made history regarding concerts at El Zócalo in Mexico City, which gathered never-before-seen numbers of attendants during their performance at this historical site in Mexico City.

In total, 280,000 people attended this event, something that had never been seen before. Although not everything was perfect, as the emotions caused by their performance made several people jump the fence so they could be on the first row.

And that is not all, although it seems unbelievable, some people fainted during the concert. There were so many people that some were suffocating. Because of this, singer Eduin Caz helped to bring notice to this situation so that authorities could help them.

This popular band made itself known through YouTube videos where they used to have fun, sing, and drink. Their success has even made them cross the border and they have even stated that they played for Mexican boxer Canelo Álvarez’s daughter’s 15th birthday.

RELATED VIDEO: "Una Mordida Tacos Tijuana": Mariscos Titos


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