
Marina del Pilar finalizes historic binational project to sanitize the Tijuana River

The Tijuana River project will bring benefits to both sides of the border, while ensuring a sustainable future for coming generations

Governor Marina del Pilar has said that thanks to this project, present and future generations of the coastal areas of both countries will be benefited, since it is looking to eradicate wastewater filtration to the seas on both sides of the border, which has had negative consequences throughout the years. This was mentioned during a virtual meeting in front of Mexican and US civil society leaders. The investment that will be made in the Tijuana River by both administrative parties is close to half a billion dollars.

During this meeting, Marina del Pilar spoke about Act 328 of the International Commission of Borders and Waters (CILA) that was signed last August 18. It involves a binational investment that demonstrates the interest by both governments to create a definitive solution to a very old issue. Several projects are incorporated in this act such as the modernization of the International Water Sanitation Plant, creation of collectors that will sanitize waters in eastern Tijuana, or the development of a wastewater sanitation plant in the San Antonio de los Buenos area. All of these projects were thought of in order to improve the quality of life of all inhabitants in the Tijuana, Tecate, and Playas de Rosarito metropolitan area, as well as San Diego.

“For all of us, it is very important that we carry out this type of actions. As you all know, this is a huge challenge, but it is a challenge without borders. We are taking a historic step to transform the life and environment of our region,” Marina del Pilar said.

Ávila Olmeda stated that this agreement has immediately consolidated infrastructure projects at the Tijuana River basin, though it also contemplates long-term public policies in order to sanitize water, which is the most important natural resource for any society.

In addition, she recognized the collaboration by both sides of the International Commission of Borders and Water (CILA), the Secretariat for the Management, Treatment, and Protection of Water of Baja California (SEPORA), the US Environmental Protection Agency, the National Commission of Water (CONAGUA), and Tijuana’s State Utilities Commission (CESPT).

“We have set a precedent due to the need we have to look way beyond, for future horizons. Our government vision doesn’t limit itself with what’s immediate. Our 2022-2027 State Development Plan (PED) is also made to deal with the Baja California of the future, the one that will be left for future generations,” she said.

For his part, the head of SEPROA, Armando Samaniego, stated that Baja California is the state that is managing the most amount of resources through international agreements, which represents, among other things, the expansion of the binational plant and direct actions regarding pumping and removal of water in order to strengthen the sewage system.

Meanwhile, General CESPT Director, Víctor Daniel Amador Barragán, explained each of the projects that will help to capture, sanitize, and remove wastewater from the Tijuana River. They will also modernize the different collectors and other useful instruments that are used to sanitize the water that flows into the Tijuana and Alamar Rivers, ensuring clean water for the megaregion.

RELATED VIDEO: Baja Californian Governor finalizes binational “Tijuana River” project


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