Border crossing from Tijuana to the US can be tedious due to the unbearable waiting times for those who don’t have SENTRI. However, the construction of the new toll-based Otay Mesa East Port of Entry, also known as Otay II, will help to reduce waiting times for those who need to enter the US quickly or wish to avoid traffic and lines.
Adolfo Ayala Bejarano, President of the Custom Agent Association of Tijuana and Tecate, stated that the opening of this port of entry will decrease waiting times by 40% for the general public. Besides the environmental impact, it will also boost economic development with dynamic fees that will range from $5 dollars to up to $20 dollars for tourist vehicles, while commercial vehicles will pay from $20 dollars to up to $55 dollars. This will all depend on the traffic and when the border crossing takes place.
There will intermodal first inspection lanes for commercial vehicles which will decrease waiting times, and will increase the efficiency so as to take advantage of time when this group is more active. In addition, there will be screens that will reveal waiting times and the lanes’ special conditions.

“This port of entry will have a greatly beneficial impact, both economically and environmentally in the region. For example, pollution will be reduced considerably because right now we have trucks waiting 6 hours contaminating everything or tourist vehicles who have been waiting in line for 3 hours, so this is going to help the environment a lot,” Ayala Bejarano added.
There will also be development regarding commercial aspects since there will be a greater streamlining of the border crossing; investments will improve as one of their biggest obstacles (long border crossing lines) will be solved.
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