
First Auction for a Cause will take place in Baja California: Marina del Pilar

The Mexican Government wants to give back what has been stolen to the people

Photo by: Gobierno de Baja California

In order to carry out the First Auction for a Cause in Baja California transparently and effectively, the Institute to Give Back to the People What Has Been Stolen (INDEP) of the Mexican Government has been training and sharing its success model regarding disposals of property, thanks to its experience and long history. This information was shared by Baja California Governor, Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda.

Marina del Pilar stated that this auction will take place following the example set by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in order to get the most benefit of these resources in order to benefit society, especially those who have the least.

She highlighted the permanent coordination between the INDEP and the Government of Baja California, which has been training state personnel of the Institute of Assets Obtained for the Social Welfare of Baja California (INDABE) in order to make this a completely successful operation.

For Governor Marina del Pilar, the importance of this coordination is thanks to the experience obtained and challenges overcome in more than 30 years, carrying out asset disposal processes, which have made public auction planning procedures much easier.

In addition, Marina del Pilar stated, feedback was given and the commercial model of INDABE was validated, claiming that they have the technical conditions and specialized staff to carry it out effectively.

It was emphasized that transparency is the main public value that the economic residue of this auction will create, since people will know for the first time what items and assets are being auctioned for the first time. They will be able to participate in buying state assets , and be witnesses of the origin, trade, and destination of the obtained resources.

For the head of INDABE, Víctor Ibarra, this has created a precedence in how to correctly carry out disposal procedures with absolute clarity, while also dealing with any risk of corruption. These resources will be allocated directly to develop our state, with strategic projects that are meant for the most vulnerable people.

It should be noted that the call for the first Auction for a Cause will take place on Friday, August 5th, while the event itself will take place on August 12th, at the Convention Center Baja California, which will register attendants starting at 8 AM.

RELATED VIDEO: Marina del Pilar increases emergency assistance protocols in Baja California


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