
Opening date for new “Princess and the Frog”-themed Splash Mountain is announced

It is expected that you will be able to see the characters of this film soon

Something that Disneyland is definitely good for is adapting to their fans’ demands, which is why it has decided to make a change in the currently named “Splash Mountain”, one of the most popular attractions at this theme park.

After several pointed out the racism in the movie this attraction is based on, Disney Parks has announced that it will change the theme of the ride, not only inside, but its name as well to “Tiana’s Bayou Adventure.”

The ride will have original music and new characters, while some will be characters that are currently part of Splash Mountain. This will work as a sort of sequel to the movie “The Princess and the Frog” which will also be complemented with a TV show on the Disney+ streaming platform.

Disney announced the change in 2019, but the COVID-19 pandemic forced the park to close for several months which is why these changes were delayed. In fact, it is still not known when the ride will be closed in order to work on these changes.

What it is known is that Splash Mountain will be changed by 2024 to its Princess and the Frog theme with its new name being “Tiana’s Bayou Adventure”. It should be noted that this will not only apply for Disneyland California, but for all versions of Splash Mountain.

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