Baja California

State Forces arrest two individual carrying firearms

The report was made anonymously

Two individuals carrying firearms were detained by Citizen Security State Forces (FESC) after an anonymous report through the emergency line. Both are members of a violent crime gang in the region.

State agents, members of the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Baja California (SSCBC), located these two individuals at Cedros Street in Colonia Fausto González in Tijuana who had been seen by the public carrying firearms.

The detainees were identified as Manuel Francisco “N”, 33 years old, and Adrián Arturo “N”, 30 years old, both Tijuana natives, whose short firearm 10 mm caliber with 6 useful cartridges and long firearm with 19 useful cartridges were seized.

Among their belongings the agents also found and seized a plastic magazine with 18 cartridges and another one with 16 useful cartridges. Both the detainees and their belonging were turned over to the proper authorities to follow up the case.

It should be noted that both individuals, according to information shared between state security agencies, are considered part of a violent crime gang in the region. These actions by the SSCBC reaffirms their commitment to continue working in recovering social peace and tranquility in the state.

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