In Baja Window to the South, the wonders that Baja California has to offer tourists, and even residents that don’t know everything about this state, are highlighted. This is why this show is all about explaining why tourism is fun, but also gastronomy, lifestyle, adventure, and much more.
Olga Sánchez de la Vega and Scott Koenig are our hosts and they are the ones who introduce the segments and interviews each episode. For example, in the ”Baja Do’s & Don’ts” section, they tell us all about tips and safety measures one should take when visiting Baja California. What they recommended we should do is to delve into the history of Baja by touring the Mexicali Chinatown “La Chinesca”; what they recommended we shouldn’t do is to bring drugs, medicine without prescriptions, or substances that are easy to abuse when you visit. This is why prescribed medicine should be declared at the border in their original package with the normal amount for personal use.

The first guest was Lic. Cleofas Arreola, President of Fundación Castro-Limón; an organization whose aim is to help Mexican kids with cancer though, according to Cleofas, they are beginning to spread their reach to help kids all over Latin America.
Arreola stated that at the end of March an event will take place where people will be able to bike all the way while having the Pacific Ocean as their landscape. The tour will begin in Baja Studios in Rosarito all the way to Bibayoff in Valle de Guadalupe, one of the oldest wineries in the state. Once the tour is finished, you will be able to enjoy the wine and gastronomy that this area has to offer, as well as the beautiful view. It should be noted that this event has been done for 11 years and has returned, after being suspended for two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is why people are so excited to join and support children with cancer, which is the main objective of this bicycle tour.

In the segment ”Tacos With Muchachos”, Scott Koenig and Tony Tee visited Asadero Tecolote, a Mexicali-style taqueria in Tijuana. Here they tasted “La Costra” which is a “tortilla” made out of cheese crust with adobada and carne asada (grilled meat). What makes this special is that the cuts are not the usual ones, but are instead Rib Eye, Sirloin, and New York, all quite fresh.

Their second special guest was Juan Tintos, Director of SCORE International, an organization that is known for their desert racing events such as Baja 1000. Though these races were also affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, they were able to manage the situation with a groundbreaking biosecurity protocol, which meant they were able to have two of the four annual races in 2020 (with no public). This year, they hope to carry out all races with a public audience: SCORE San Felipe 250 in April, Baja Titan in June, Baja 400 in September, and the renowned Baja 1000 in November. It should be noted that these races attract a lot of tourists, champions, stars, and celebrities, which come to enjoy the sport itself by participating or as spectators.
Tintos stated that though the races are worked out with the private sector, there is also constant communication with state and municipal authorities who make these yearly events possible. These races not only promote off-road sports, but also all the municipalities of Baja California since tours are carried out and visitors take advantage of them to visit places, demonstrating the impact that the state’s wonders have on tourists.

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Click here to watch the complete 4th episode of Baja Window to the South!