
Upcoming border reopening causes demand for vaccines to skyrocket in Tijuana

After a decrease in the number of people coming to get vaccinated, this Thursday an increase was reported

Photo by: Specer Davis / SDR Archivo

This Thursday, October 21, new first doses arrived from AstraZeneca for those over 18 years of age. According to what was informed by the Baja California Secretary of Health, 30 thousand doses arrived in the state, of which around 15 thousand are for the city of Tijuana.

Needless to say that although vaccination had lost popularity in the city, the reopening of the border, announced for November 8, 2021, is making many who had postponed their vaccination, either out of fear or apathy, to get vaccinated.

According to the Secretariat of Health, there are 260 thousand people in the eligible group who have not been vaccinated yet, but they affirm that this number could decrease with this new motivation. The media Telemundo conducted several interviews where those who were lined up to get the vaccine reported that "if they did not get vaccinated, they would not be able to cross the border".

For Alonso Pérez Rico, Secretary of Health, this reason is not the best, but he is glad that new people are joining the vaccination program. In fact, only in the first two hours of vaccination, 2 thousand doses were applied, while the final figure in only one day was 5 thousand.

These AstraZeneca doses will be applied in the region in the next few days: 15 thousand will be destined to Tijuana, 10 thousand to Mexicali and 5 thousand to Ensenada.

VIDEO: Vaccination against COVID-19 started at Plaza Rio in Tijuana


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