
Mexican Consul in Turkey celebrates Independence Day and says: "¡Viva López Obrador!"

Her act caused controversy and discomfort among her opponents

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Mexico's consul in Turkey, Isabel Arvide, gave the "Grito de Independencia" in Istanbul and mentioned the president´s name with a euphoric: "Viva Lopez Obrador!".

Her act caused indignation among some of those attending the official ceremony on September 15 due to the controversy involved in including the president next to the historical heroes and modifying the tradition.

In this way, the journalist Isabel Arvide, showed her support to the administration of the chief executive who leads the Fourth Transformation.

A woman told her: "It is not López Obrador, it is Mexico. Mr. López Obrador is my president, I want him to finish his six-year term well, to correct, to govern, to lead us to a beautiful country, but he does not belong with the heroes of Independence".

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