
Orca whale pod spotted in Ensenada waters

A group of orca whales surprised a boat of the Gone Whale Watching San Diego team showing a beautiful sighting

Only a few lucky ones are worthy of appreciating the wonderful improvised spectacles of nature and that was the case of the members of the company Gone Whale Watching (GWW), who managed to see a whole pod of orca whales in Ensenada, Baja California.

Through a video uploaded on social media, the association shared the beautiful experience they had in the waters of Ensenada, where the animals showed them a whole show swimming, jumping and occasionally peeking a little to the surface.

VIDEO: Whale Sighting in Ensenada

The group of explorers had organized an expedition due to rumors of the appearance of these specimens at some point in the seas of Baja California, and as we have seen, they managed to find them, but these were not the only whales they encountered during their journey.

Early in their journey, exactly 10 miles south of Ensenada, they encountered a pod of Blainville's beaked whales, commonly known as beaked whales, which also displayed a very friendly behavior with them, according to the activists.

The so-called "killer whales" spent more than 5 hours with the GWW members and they even witnessed the hunting skills of the whales, with a dolphin that, to their bad luck, also roamed the area and ended up becoming the orcas' food.

The whale sighting happened more than 50 miles off the coast of Ensenada and according to the organization, this pod actually belongs to the Eastern Tropical Pacific population, of which very little is actually known.

The organizers of the trip affirmed that this trip was carried out under the legal framework of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of the United States (MMPA), which rejects the harassment of this type of animals for trivial reasons.

They also emphasized that they were a professional team, and it was really the orcas that were following them and not vice versa, because as experts they know that stopping the boat in such an area could endanger the species and themselves, more than if the boat continues its normal course, however, and fortunately, they managed to conclude their trip safely.


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