Baja California

Baja California will remain under the green light, despite the yellow light from the Federal Government

Despite the yellow light from the federal government, Baja California will remain green at the local level

According to the Federal Government's Epidemiological Traffic Light Chart, this week's coloration for Baja California is yellow.

However, local authorities have determined that it will remain green in all municipalities except for Mexicali, which will change to yellow.

State health authorities, headed by Dr. Alonso Pérez Rico, informed that the percentage of positivity from remaining at 14% in the last few weeks has risen to 54%.

In total there are 500 active cases in Baja California, while there are 60 hospitalized and 36 people intubated, of those intubated only two older adults with previous illnesses were fully vaccinated, while the remaining 34 have not been vaccinated.

According to what was reported, hospital occupancy is 34%, which translates into 219 hospital beds available and 266 ventilators.

RELATED VIDEO: Vaccination against COVID-19 began at Plaza Rio in Tijuana


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