The municipality of Tijuana continues with its goal of maintaining order at the San Ysidro border crossing, and will maintain permanent surveillance operations at the international border, with the objective of ensuring that street vendors comply with the established regulations.
The head of Inspection and Verification, Cesar Abraham Heredia Rodríguez, informed that during this weekend 13 administrative actions were taken against street vendors in the area, as some of them had expired permits. In addition, six more were lifted for being out of their stall and were relocated to the corresponding place. At the same time, there was a case of a person who was turned over to the Municipal Security and Citizen Protection Secretariat (SSPCM) for selling animals, specifically dogs, which is prohibited.

He indicated that, as a result of inconveniences that have arisen with street vendors at the San Ysidro checkpoint, a lot of attention has been paid in order to prevent other people who do not have a permit to sell, from invading the area.
"The operation is permanent, especially on weekends, since some people, including migrants, seek to work in the line, but do not have their permits. For this reason, we have the support of 11 inspectors from the Central zone, since only in this place there are 450 permits registered, from the Mexico Bridge to this international line," said the official.
Likewise, Inspection and Verification personnel conducted tours on boulevards and main avenues, where 22 reports were applied to street businesses and seven more to businesses in the swap meet, due to the fact that they did not respect the dimensions of their stalls and did not have the required permits.

When supervising establishments, bars and restaurants, the capacity and sanitation measures were verified; therefore, seven reports were issued to established businesses because they did not have sanitary filters. In addition, a tortilla shop was closed because it did not have the necessary permits and due to lack of safety measures. It should be noted that the COVID-19 pandemic continues, therefore, for the municipal president, Karla Patricia Ruiz Macfarland, it is essential to maintain all the sanitary measures implemented by the health authorities, so they also continue to attend the areas with high focus of infection, such as the neighborhoods of Nueva Tijuana and Valle Vista, in order to prevent the spread of infections.
VIDEO: Agent dances happily at the Tijuana-San Diego border crossing point