One more added to the list: Guanajuato back under the red light

Yesterday Morelos also joined the states at red lights, among which are Baja California and Mexico City

Joining states like Baja California, Estado de Mexico, Mexico City and more recently Morelos and Guanajuato have joined the list of entities that have had to return to red light due to the rise in COVID-19 infections.

The Secretary of Health, Daniel Alberto Díaz Martínez, indicated that due to the increase of a tendency of hospitalization and mortality due to coronavirus, as well as a great percentage of positive COVID-19 tests, the government of Guanajuato decided to return to the red light.

The measure will be implemented from December 25 to January 10, the deadline also taken by the cities that are currently in the red, although it is subject to change according to the development of the pandemic in that time.

According to Díaz Martínez, this decision was mainly established as a preventive measure, since there is not yet an excessive rise in COVID-19 cases. But in the same way, infections have been increasing in the last few days, and therefore, it is sought to avoid reaching a point of no return.

Other rules that were announced are the reduction of economic activities to 30% of capacity in stores and services, allowing only the essentially necessary, as well as the suspension of the sale of alcoholic beverages, the closure of bars, clubs, pubs and the reduction of capacity in social events, authorizing only 50 people in closed spaces and 75 in open places.

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