
Macy's will hire over 6,000 people for its 97 stores in California

Looking for a job? The important department store might have a place for you

Photo by: Macy’s Chula Vista por Google Maps

The unemployment rate in the United States is one of the highest in recent years. However, the famous Macy's department store has a job offer for unemployed Californians. It reportedly seeks to hire 6,100 workers for this season.

The jobs include call centers and customer service, distribution centers and warehouse employees. Currently, despite the closure of some of its stores, Macy's has 97 stores in California.

If you apply and are hired, you could start work this Thursday. Interviews and hiring will be done virtually, as they seek to minimize the risk of coronavirus infection.

According to a statement issued by Macy's from its official website: "The process is fast and convenient and allows seasonal candidates to interview from anywhere". It added that one of the benefits of working in the company is the flexible schedules and the discounts on merchandise.

To fill out your job application, you will need to go to the website -Macys Jobs-, or click here. From the portal you will be able to see specifically the branches, from the one located in Chula Vista to branches in Los Angeles, that need to be hired.

Border News: 3rd week of October 2020!


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