
Table dance nightclubs will not reopen in Ensenada

Although some had planned to open by serving food, they were denied permission

Photo by: Nick Fewing/Unsplash

The government of Ensenada issued a statement from its official websitel to clarify the situation of night clubs with "table dance" activities. This clarification derives from the town hall agreement with the date of September 30, as explained in the publication.

Basically what this agreement is about is that the places, described above, do not have the authorization to reopen their activities. The need for this clarification comes after it was spread through social media that a business of this category would open as a restaurant-bar.

However, they reiterated that despite the intentions of this nightclub, the Ensenada government has resolved that the establishment does not have permission to open. This despite the fact that it submitted documentation to the Economic Development Department to request permission.

According to the statement: "The XXIII City Council reiterates its willingness to provide the facilities for the gradual reopening of the various economic sectors, always in accordance with the indications of the health authorities in order to avoid the spread of COVID-19".

What do you think of this news? Do you think that nightclubs of this type are necessary to activate the economy?

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