
They clarify: The U.S. does not "steal" water from Mexico, it shares the water of the transborder rivers

Protests at La Boquilla Dam in Chihuahua have sparked clashes between farmers and the National Guard

Photo by: National Geographic

After the protests of several Chihuahua farmers at the "La Boquilla" dam, who demonstrated against the "theft" or distribution of water from Mexico to the United States, which led to a confrontation with the National Guard, the Secretary of Foreign Relations (SRE) has clarified how the agreement with the neighboring country works.

The General Director for North America of the SRE, Roberto Velasco, indicated that the water of the two transborder rivers is being distributed in accordance with the 1949 treaty, and that our country has received the corresponding amount, however, it has a debt of 378.7 million cubic meters with the United States and the fulfillment of that commitment cannot be delayed.

Accompanied by officials of the National Water Commission (Conagua), the representative of the Cancelleria explained in a press conference that the United States contributes 1,850 million cubic meters through the Colorado River, so Mexico must send 450 million cubic meters of water generated by the Rio Bravo.

According to President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, behind the protests in Chihuahua and the takeover of "La Boquilla", there are political and electoral interests, as well as those of former state governors and PAN leaders, for which the Attorney General's Office was asked to intervene in order to determine responsibilities.

Yesterday, the death of Jaime Torres, a farmer, and his wife Yessica Silva, who were shot by the National Guard when they were not even armed, came to the surface. The event resulted from the arrest of three people who were carrying tear gas grenades and a firearm charger, so under that pretext the authorities "repelled the aggression".

With information from La Silla Rota and La Jornada


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