Baja California

Baja California is number 3 in deaths due to COVID-19 in the country

More cases were reported in Mexicali and Tijuana

Photo by: Barbara Zandoval vía Unsplash y Gerald vía Pixabay

The daily update of the coronavirus development in our region was given yesterday. The most recent numbers were revealed by the Governor of Baja California and the state Secretary of Health, Alonso Perez Rico.

The state of Baja California, with 11 thousand 372 confirmed coronavirus cases, is in 8th place in all the country. It is also number 3 in deaths (2 thousand 275 in total). These last few days there has been a case increase in Tijuana, Ensenada and Mexicali, the last two have 279 and 145 cases each.

In Tijuana´s case it has a total of 93 active cases which is unsettling and doctor Perez Rico seized the opportunity to notify Tijuana about the loosening of measures, because of the report of Tijuana natives using public transportation without face masks.

They also announced that in terms of hospital availability, general and ventilator beds are still available. However, they recommended that in order to avoid hospitalization, it is best to properly enforce protective measures such as social distancing and the use of face masks in public spaces (including transportation).

To date, it is estimated that Mexico has 363 thousand 599 cases of coronavirus in total, of which 48 thousand 857 are active, this means that the rest of the cases have recovered or are part of the more than 39 thousand unfortunate deaths.

Related video: Cierre de Negocios en Tijuana:



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