
When Will it Rain in Tijuana or San Diego? Forecasts Are Not Good

The region is facing a high possibility of drought, again

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We are at the end of January, but the weather feels more like a day we would live on August or September, AND, with strong winds. This is how most of the "Winter" in the region has been.

Northern Baja California and southern California are in danger of returning to severe drought condition if heavy rains do not fall during the months of February and March, the second half of the rainy season of the region.

During the month of December and according to the Drought Monitor of North America, the region is between a state of "abnormally dry" and "moderate drought," since the registered rainfall was almost zero and more than 25% less than normal.

This compared to last season, in which we had more than 100% above normal. January isn't over yet, but there is zero chance of rain for the last days of the month. Last year, Tijuana had a forecast for a whole week of moderate rain.

Enero del 2017 fue uno lluvioso. Este 2018, todo lo contrario.
Enero del 2017 fue uno lluvioso. Este 2018, todo lo contrario.

California climatologists and other experts warn that a high-pressure area in the western part of North America is driving away the storms from Alaska that would normally fill the shores of the region with rain.

Long-term forecasts do not detect storms until mid-February, unless something unexpected happens.

February is the wettest month for southern California and northern Baja California, but if in the meantime there's no sign of a significant rainfall in the first two weeks, then is very less likely to happen.

The only opportunity left would be for the rain season to start in March, but it would need to rain twice as much as usual to avoid falling into a more acute drought.

Why hasn't it rained so much in California and Baja California?

Since last year, climatologists predicted that there would be an effect of La Niña, which meant that Pacific Ocean waters will cause drier and warmer winters for our region. Added to this, the issue of climate change has also exacerbated the problem, generating higher than normal temperatures every year.



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