Famous Tijuana Bar Is Getting a Renovation But Leaves Fans With Disappointment

"Renew or die" they say, and it seems that one of the most famous cantinas in the city of Tijuana, "Dandy del Sur," found it necessary; but for some, this is not a good thing. At all.

Controversy is popping up all over Tijuana social media after seeing how the well-known blue facade of this historical canteen is being remodeled.

The bar's blue wall outside has become a reference for those who visit the city for the first time and get a tour of its famous nightlife, and bewilderment has invaded the opinions of its loyal customers. Some even asked for a "moment of silence" online for the old look.

Will the colorful and original bar come back?

The nostalgia of some is already present, since they're not very happy with these changes that not only include the remodeling of the facade, but also the construction of a terrace with new tables.

A few months ago different state and federal government funds launched a renovation project of Sixth Street (Calle Sexta) between Avenida Revolución and Madero street.

The majority of the landlords on that piece of Calle Sexta agreed to accept the public funds meant for remodeling their fronts. One of them, was the own of "Dandy del Sur".

The owners of this and other establishments in the street have already begun to receive monetary support, which suggests that other places will soon be changing their facade to give Sixth Street a complete makeover.

What do you think? Do you want the neon lights back?

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Translated by:cristina.mora@sandiegored.com


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