Eleven artists worked hard these last two weeks to give life to the first mega-mural in Tijuana painted in one of the most emblematic buildings of the city: The old Jai Alai, now called "El Foro."
This beautiful piece of art is part of the projects of Tijuana Interzona Festival, where artists from Ecuador, Peru, United States, and Mexico offer they talent to create this huge mural called "Transeunte Universal."
Artists had cranes at their reach to paint the wall of old Jai Alai building.
"This mural pays homage to people who work hard and seek a better place to get new opportunities," said Alfredo "Libre" (Free) Gutierrez, project coordinator.
The wall has more than 18 meters and it worked perfectly as the adequate place to embody a mural that represents a gap of permanence and migration. "Is the act of leaving a place, but with a root behind you."
This work of art shows the relationship between the subject, the character and the animal as part of the migration process.
However, no matter how great the art of this mural was, a lot of people disagreed with the work on social media, partly out of fear that because that the buildings "famous" huge red letters would be erased for ever, which, for many people, was the most important history sign of this piece of architecture.
But if we look closer, we'll notice that actually, the letters are still there and you can still clearly read JAI ALAI, and maybe that's also part of the art work, to fusion both things and create a whole new one. Besides, the old letter were actually only recently painted over the delipidated old facade of the building.
You can enjoy of this colorful work of art at the back of Jai Alai above the parking lot of a very known Argentinian restaurant.
"We all agreed that those letters have to stay, hence, we adapted to them as the artists we are, and there were no mistakes in the making. This is just paint, you can paint again anytime you want," he said.
The artists said that this kind of artistic manifestations in the city are hard to make back home because his hometown is still not ready to transform spaces such as this one.
"Libre" has a lot of good reputation in Mexico City, where he has had a lot of acceptance among artists and people in general thanks to his diverse intervention in spaces just like this one.
Part of the eleven artists team.
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Translated by: cristina.mora@sandiegored.com