Mexico's Own Sexy Santa Will Make You Wish You Were Nice This Year...or Naughty?

The ad campaign that is causing commotion in Mexico.

In most parts of the world, the only thing that really matters this week is Christmas and all the joy it brings.

In Mexico, holiday traditions go back to Spanish Colonial times, and include even celebrations of the Virgin of Guadalupe, depictions of the Nativity story and other unique representations of Christian lore. On the other hand, there are Mexicans who would rather ask Santa Claus for gifts and enjoy the more Americanized versions of the holiday.

Palacio de Hierro, an upscale chain of department stores in Mexico, has caused a great stir with its holiday ad campaign. In one of its ads you can see a man wearing hip clothes posing like a supermodel.

The chain store's Instagram account is using #QueridoMrClaus as a way to invite its clients to have a "Palacio Christmas".

The ad has received mixed reviews, since Mexicans are known to dislike consumerism but still give into it. There are people who've asked for Mr. Claus himself as a gift and others you just hate on the idea for being an American tradition.

Sexy Santa's real name is Paul Mason, a model who was previously a part of a similar ad campaign for a shopping center in Toronto. His personal portfolio is filled with pictures of himself sporting a white beard, which is why he's perfect for the Santa Claus role.

Via Fusion

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