This Is What Happened To The Refugees In This Photo

The answer will brighten your day.

GERMANY.- If you been up to date with the Syrian Refugee Crisis, even just a little bit; you might know that a civil war has caused millions of people to seek shelter as well as safety in other countries.

A great number of images of this situation can give us a small visions of the hell families are going through. Among the most shocking, there is an image of a father who is crying while both his children hold on to him. The exact moment was captured by photographer Daniel Etter, from the New York Times.

Daniel Etter/New York Times
Daniel Etter/New York Times

Many families who chose to travel by sea in search of a better life didn't finished their journey, other weren't even able to reach the coast to try. But, just what happened to this family?

Luckily, according The Independent, the father Laith, his wife Neda and his 4 children Mustafa, Ahmed, Taha and Nour of ages, 18,17,9 and 7, respectively, are safe and sound in Germany.

Neda told the Bild journal that around 13 countries wanted to take in their family but they chose Germany.

"We heard that here there is help for us, schools for our children. Germany's leader, Angela Merkel, is a good person. She is like a mother to us."

In fact, Germany has taken giant steps towards fighting this immigration crisis, by recently increasing the number of immigrants they take in. They expect to have approximately 800,000 refugees by the end of 2015.

Germany has made been incredibly humanitarian with the situation, taking in thousands of refugees regardless to which European country they arrive in first.

It's not just the German government that receives this people with open arms, but its citizens also receive refugees with warm welcoming sings, clothing, water and food.

Hopefully, may other countries follow Germany's example and lend a hand, not just European countries but the whole world.

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