Tijuana is experiencing the city's worst visual pollution in recent years as a result of the excessive placement of bulletins and billboards, both static and electronic, flooding the city's main avenues. While there is legislation in place regarding advertising in public areas, the municipal authorities have not taken action to enforce the regulation regarding authorization and licensing with both large and small advertisers.
By not following the Signs, Advertisements and Other Advertising Regulation (Reglamento de Rotulos, Anuncios y Similares, in Spanish), it is implied that ads can be placed almost anywhere and can beany size. Once installed, they are very difficult to remove, in the end the government receives minimum tax income and everything ends up as is the famous "mordida" (bribery), corruption and impunity. Furthermore, when they try to apply the law to companies like GAXIOPSA, companies that owed more than 400,000 pesos in taxes, these negotiate their debt by paying with billboards, turning the City of Tijuana's XXI Town Hall into an accomplice to this visual pollution.
Meanwhile in the United States, the organization "Scenic America" dedicates itself to helping communities convert and maintain clean neighborhoods, attractive public spaces, to conserve unusual beauty, as well as involve residents of the area to preserve these spaces. The president of this organization explains that a city's aesthetics are not only a physiological need, but also generate economic benefit. In many cities around the United States, the policy to create beautiful spaces is being adopted because the government, merchants and residents, have noticed that a city that looks good, generates profits.
San Diego, our neighboring city, is an example of how to prevent visual pollution through strict... Continue reading article here
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