Young woman from Tijuana sold by her parents

Thanks to a neighbor, she was rescued

Alma Delia a young girl of 14 years of age, was sold by her parents for the amount of $65,000 pesos (around $5,000 dollars), to the parents of Zacarias, a young 18 year old man, whom Alma Delia had an emotional affair with.

It was thanks to a neighbor in the neighborhood of El Altiplano, in the area of la Presa, that the young woman was able to be rescued, she sought refuge in her neighbor's house, and made the report against her parents.

"Here are the $65,000 pesos you asked for your daughter" were the words Alma Delia heard from her buyers Rosa and Salvador, the transaction was made in her home by Florentina and Francisco (her parents).

Before she was handed off to her buyers, she escaped and took refuge in her neighbor's house, were she hid for 2 days, her mother found her, and made her come out of hiding with the full intention to deliver her, after all, she had already been bought and paid for.

The neighbor made the report to the authorities, and it was because of this that the young woman was rescued and is in a shelter where her physical integrity will be safeguarded, fortunately in this occasion, the authorities were able to intervene on time and rescue the young girl.

The parents were arrested, however the status of her buyers, whether or not they are under police custody, is still unknown.


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